An Online Certificate in Teaching English to Children and Teenagers
A Certificate in Teaching English to Children and Teenagers
Welcome to our new teacher training certificate: The YLs Course. This 24-week online course has been created by teachers for teachers and aims to provide them with a deeper understanding of the teaching of English to both children and teenagers.
What is it?
The YLs Course is a 24-week online course, with optional 6-hour face-to-face and exam components. The course consists of 20 modules on a wide variety of teaching topics relating to Young Learners; making it the perfect course for teachers wishing to build on the knowledge gained in their initial teacher training course and better prepare themselves for their YLs classes. Participants are expected to spend around 3 hours per week on the course, in order to complete all 20 modules within the specified time at the rate of one module per week. There are 4 extra weeks of online access at the end of the course to complete two obligatory written assignments.
There is also the option of taking the official Cambridge Assessment English TKT:YL exam in San Sebastián (Centre ES409) at the end of the course in order to receive an official Cambridge Assessment English teaching qualification; recognised in countries all over the world. The exam will take place three times a year (March, July and November). Participants must sit the exam after completion of the online course component and within 12 months of doing so.
*Please note, there will only be one exam session in 2020, and this will be on Saturday 21st November*
There is an optional face-to-face component to the course which will be run in our Teacher Training Centre in San Sebastián in May and November. During this 6-hour session, teachers will take part in practical activities which will enhance their understanding of the techniques and approaches covered in the online course.
*Please note, there will be NO face-to-face sessions in 2020*
Each participant who successfully completes all elements of the online course within the specified 24 weeks and submits the two pieces of written work will be awarded with a certificate outlining the length and topics covered on The YLs Course. Teachers who also complete the face-to-face component will see this reflected in their final course certificate.
Teachers who complete and pass the TKT:YL exam will receive an official Cambridge Assessment English certificate outlining the qualification obtained along with the date.
Teachers must complete ID verification on the secure online platform before they are able to download their end-of-course certificate. This is checked by one of the course administrators to ensure that the certificate you receive isa trustworthy representation of the course you have completed. This then allows you to use this qualification to add credit to your professional and educational history. This ID verification will be reflected in the course certificate you are awarded following successful completion of the course.
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