An Online Certificate in Teaching English to Children and Teenagers

The modules on The YLs Course are aimed at providing teachers with a more in-depth understanding of Young Learners classes; including video observations of real classes, interviews with teachers, video tutorials, sample material and further suggested reading. At the end of each module, teachers will be required to complete a short ‘Test Your Knowledge’ section, which will check that they have thoroughly understood the elements covered in that module. There will be downloadable content on each module, which the course participants can keep for future classroom use and reference. Once the 24 weeks have elapsed course participants will not be able to access these via the platform.

The aim of The YLs Course is to:

  • provide teachers with a detailed insight into the teaching of YLs
  • give teachers of YLs the chance to learn from experienced teachers and industry experts
  • increase teachers’ confidence when teaching classes of varying age-groups and levels.

Why take The YLs Course?

The YLs Course qualification from London School of Languages will enable you to:

  • provide evidence of teacher training forYLs classes to current and potential employers
  • become more confident when faced with different ages and levels
  • critically analyse your behaviour in the classroom and how this influences the YLs you are teaching.

Two components of assessment

There are two components of assessment on the online course, which you must pass in order to be awarded with the end-of-course certificate.

TYK end-of-module assessment

  • At the end of each of the 20 modules, there is a Test-Your-Knowledge (TYK)section, in which you’ll have to get 80% or above to be able to move onto the next module.
  • You can take the TYK as many times as you like.

Written assignments

  • At the end of the course, you must complete two written assignments which must be between 750-1000 words in length.
  • These will be based on the content of the modules you have studied throughout the course.
  • Both assignments will be submitted on the platform and assessed by one of the course tutors, who will mark them as pass or resubmit.
  • You can resubmit them as many times as you like within the 24-week access to the online platform.

Why take the additional course components?


The aim of the face-to-face component of The YLs Course is to:

  • provide teachers with the opportunity to put what they have learnt on the course into practice
  • allow teachers to talk to course tutors about issues they face in the YLs classroom
  • meet other teachers of YLs to share ideas and expand teaching network.


The aim of the Cambridge Assessment English TKT:YL exam is to:

  • provide teachers with the opportunity to obtain an official Cambridge Assessment English qualification to supplement The YLs Course qualification
  • put teachers’awareness of YLs and their development into practice
  • demonstrateknowledge of teaching strategies, methodology and resources used in the YLs classroom.

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